Notices -

Wednesday 29th of May, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
Notices Staff
All basketball MN
  Due to the long weekend, there are no basketball games this Friday night.

All Kolourcare school photos PK
  Order envelopes have been handed out for Kolourcare school photos. If you had your photo taken on either of the school photo days but have not received your envelope yet: Year 7&8 please see your Integrated studies teacher. Years 9-13 please see your Whanau teacher. If you are in Kapa Haka and would like a photo order envelope for the Kapa Haka group photo please see Whaea Kimmi. Order envelopes are due back in by Friday 21st June.

All Opihi Live MC
  Opihi Live will be Thursday June 20 (Week 8) at 6pm.
Please sign up in the music room if you'd like to be a part of this event or see Mrs McNally

All Respecting our areas HD
  Hi everyone. You are all very lucky here at Opihi to have indoor spaces that are open to you at breaktimes. However, if you do not show those spaces respect, we will have to close them. Thank you very much to the wonderful people who helped to clean up the Kahu hub at Interval on Monday, by picking up food and wiping down tables. That is what we like to see.

All Writing CAA this morning HD
  Hi all. Can the following students please come to the Hall to do their Writing CAA. This is the only day that writing can be done. If you missed the reading or numeracy, you can also come today if you want. Otherwise you will all come tomorrow. Writing - Keisha Griffin, Chloe, Malakai, Tobie, Ra, Beth, Monty, Corbin Lee, Ava Olsen, Caleb McK. Thanks

Juniors 9/10 EPo8 Teams RO
  Can the 2x Year 9/10 EPro8 Teams Please come to the Science breakout space at lunchtime for EPro8 Training.

Juniors Y7/8 basketball MN
  All Year 7/8 players - please return your washed tops to me by Thursday.

Juniors YE1 Classroom Catch-up WM
  Khala, Daisy, Hare, Krystal, Lucy, Cleo - you are expected to come to Science at lunchtime today to complete the work you didn't finish yesterday.

Juniors Yea r7/8 speech competition MN
  Any Year 7/8 students who would like to consider entering an inter-school speech competition please go see Miss Manson for more information.

Seniors Masterclass SM
  University masterclass this week is 'How do university degrees work' - come straight to the library on Wednesday morning when the whanau bell goes (I will mark your attendance).

Seniors Senior ball SM
  If you need a ball permission form, you can pick one up from the student office. They need to be returned by Wednesday 5th June.